How to Return Multiple Values from Function


Typically we can only return one value or object from a function. However, PowerShell allows us to return multiple values. We have a choice whether we want to literally return multiple values or group them into an object or a data structure. The latter will make the calling code simpler and more readable.

In this article, we will show you how to return multiple values from PowerShell function.


To return multiple values, we have options whether we want to literally return multiple values or wrap the values into an object or a data structure like Array, HashTable or Tuple. The latter is preferred when we want to pass around the values.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Specifying All the Values to Return

This is the most straightforward way to return multiple values. We specify all the values along with return keyword, then in the calling code we destructure all the values before using them accordingly.

Function Test()
    $FirstName = "John"
    $LastName = "Doe"

    return $FirstName, $LastName

$firstName, $lastName = Test

Below is the output if we execute above script.

output from Specifying All the Values to Return example

Return Values Using Array Explicitly

We can wrap the values into an Array and return it explicitly.

Function Test() {
    $fullName = @()
    $fullName += "John"
    $fullName += "Arne"
    $fullName += "Riise"

    return $fullName

$fullName = Test

The other way to return Array explicitly is as follows:

Function Test() {
    $firstName = "John"
    $middle = "Arne"
    $lastName = "Riise"

    return @($firstName, $middle, $lastName)

$fullName = Test


Function Test() {
    $fullName = @()
    $fullName = "John", "Arne", "Riise"

    return $fullName

$fullName = Test

Return Values Using Array Implicitly

By default, simple return value(s) can be treated as an array. Not only the ones explicitly to be returned, but also console output is a return value, thus it becomes implicit array.

function Test() {
    Write-Output "John"
    return "Riise"

$fullName = Test

Return Values Using HashTable

We can also wrap the values into a HashTable by specifying key-value pairs. In this case, the key is the property we are going to use. Then, we return the HashTable.

Function Test() {
    $FullName = @{
        FirstName = "John"
        LastName  = "Doe"

    return $FullName

$fullName = Test
foreach ($key in $fullName.Keys) {
    Write-Host "$key is $($fullName[$key])"

Below is the output if we execute above script.

Output from Return Values Using HashTable example

Return Values Using PSCustomObject

We can also return values using PSCustomObject. This is similar with using HashTable, but we need to add PSCustomObject keyword before @ symbol. Other than that, we specify the object property and its value. In order to get the value, the caller code only needs to specify object property and use it accordingly.

Function Test() {    
    $FullName = [PSCustomObject]@{
        FirstName = "John"
        LastName  = "Doe"

    return $FullName

$fullName = Test
Write-Host "FirstName is $($fullName.FirstName)"
Write-Host "LastName is $($fullName.LastName)"

Below is the output if we execute above script.

Output from Return Values Using PSCustomObject example

Return Values Using Tuple

Tuple is a lightweight data structure that can group some elements. However, it has downside compared to object. We cannot use strongly typed name, thus we access the element using item number or index like an array.

Function Test() {  
    return [Tuple]::Create("John", "Arne", "Riise")

$fullName = Test
$fullName.Item1 # $fullName[0]
$fullName.Item2 # $fullName[1]
$fullName.Item3 # $fullName[2]


There are many ways to return multiple values from a function: specifying all the values, using explicit or implicit array, HashTable, PSCustomObject or Tuple. I hope this article helps you to learn how to return multiple values from a function in PowerShell.