How to Escape Double Quotes in PowerShell


In this blog post, we will show you how to escape double quotes "" in PowerShell.

Using Backtick Character

You can use the backtick character (`) immediately before the double quote that you want to escape. For example:

$myString = "This is a `"double-quoted`" string."
Write-Host $myString

In the above example, the backtick before the inner double quotes tells PowerShell to treat them as literal characters, so the output will be This is a "double-quoted" string.

Using Single Quotes

Another way to escape double quotes is to enclose your string in single quotes. In single-quoted strings, double quotes are treated as literal characters. For example:

$myString = 'This is a "double-quoted" string.'
Write-Host $myString

In this case, you don’t need to escape the double quotes and the output will be the same, i.e., This is a "double-quoted" string.

Using Escape Sequence

You can also use the escape sequence \" to escape double quotes within a double-quoted string. Here is an example:

$myString = "This is a `"`double-quoted`"` string."
Write-Host $myString

In this example, \" is used to escape double quotes within double-quoted string, resulting in the same output: This is a "double-quoted" string.

Using Here-Strings

Here-Strings allow you to define multiline strings and are often used when you need to include double quotes without escaping them. For example:

$myString = @"
This is a "double-quoted" string.
Write-Host $myString

In this example, the content of the Here-String is preserved as-is, including the double quotes.

Using String Concatenation

You can break the string into multiple parts and concatenate them together using the + operator. This way, you can include double quotes within the string without escaping them.

For example:

$part1 = "This is a "
$part2 = "double-quoted"
$part3 = " string."

$myString = $part1 + '"' + $part2 + '"' + $part3
Write-Host $myString

In this example, the double quotes are included within the string by concatenating them with other parts, resulting in the same output: This is a "double-quoted" string.


To escape double quotes in PowerShell, there are many techniques we can use: using backtick character, using single quotes, using escape sequence, using Here-Strings and using string concatenation.